22 November 2008

Spent most of the last four years figuring out where to go instead of appreciating where I was. Time is/was of the essence and I ain't there yet either. There were happy and nostalgic lapses where I did savor the moment, and some not so pleasant occasions where I was forced to. Bad luck notwithstanding, the fault is my own. We talk a lot about luck, my family and I, not taking for granted the fundamental things we've always been lucky enough to share, but rather that extra push of luck that seems to shine on so many of you out there. A few months ago in Cali, it seemed as though the streets were littered with "Rich Dad Seminar" posters -- business profiteering from a solid ground income not unlike the extra push I refer to. I would like those who solicit this advice to admit they've been fortunate enough to experience a kickstart (given that it is the case) if only so that I can appear to be more leveled in comparison. It has happened to me before; well-meant advice can come with a condescending twist -- if you omit to mention, for instance, that your grandfather's passing gave you something with which to pay off a mortgage (or the establishment of a certain business chain that will remain unnamed). That just isn't fair (see also; me being honestly envious). It is common, it is excessively common but it isn't commonly stated -- as if it would undermine one's personal struggle were it to be known. If the push is implied along with the aforementioned advice (and gratifyingly so), then it is much easier for the less fortunate to identify with. In other words; hell yes I would've done the same. Good luck!