07 April 2006

yes! more poisons!

I'm not at all pleased with hearing people sing tunes out loud in public when it isn't called for; just carelessly singing to themselves or to passers-by -- you piss me off, you have no talent(ain't a question of talent really, just going nuts here), I am not impressed, it has nothing to do with being free-spirited, stop it, there's enough noise pollution as is. There's more to this than my usual mr.temper-temper rants, it's an absolutely selfish act and it honestly blows my mind. A moi-je guy passing me by not even for a fraction of a second asking himself if I have any desire or not to hear him "sing" nor if I will enjoy it or not, thinking to himself that I'm probably blessed by his outgoing -- it's just.. no, no no no. Alright, moving along... Dangerous curves ahead; really hectic work load coming up, I knew this was gonna happen, you know "calm before the storm" and all that. I'm enthusiastic about it though, don't read me wrong, it's getting ye ol' creative blood a-flowin'. You should watch this and marvel at the genius at work (self-censored at that!), oh how Bill Hicks laughs as he awakens people to the reality of smoking, it's beautiful. Might have to drop by Chicago, no worries there, can't wait to show off some of this new stuff I'm working on, it's dreadfully me... See you then.