01 March 2007

h/e 147 march

You might ask yourself why such a sticker would be stamped on this advertisement, it struck me (as these things usually do), it was in essence a woman showcasing jewellery. Someone decides to label it sexist. Not only does it not strike me as being sexist but I just don't care -- I do not give a fuck (I admit though, I find it highly amusing) -- there are bigger fish to fry. Stuck right on the facade of the ad area, for city officials to remove on a later date, probably not proposed the brightest of the movement, they can't be held accountable -- or can they? Having made stickers and all. But no, that's not the point. If it can be decided "for me" that this is in fact "sexist" then I can retaliate by saying that it is a "warning for individuals with a lesser intellect". The movement itself provides help for abused women and does much for women's rights, and I'm all for that. The sticker, unfortunately, brings down its integrity a few notches. This type of activity ties in with anti-advertising activists in the fight against "buying shit we don't need while also wasting our planet's ressources" which is a just cause but I appologize, I need no anti-advertisement advertisements about such things, I'm sorry that you can't control your own financial choices but I'd suggest redirecting your efforts on the homeless guy sleeping underneath the ads in question. Uh oh, have I gone extremist? Oh no, you-are-right -- I have seen the light! Please steer me clear of printed posters and television commercials that feature shit I shouldn't buy in the hopes that I'll eventually create and manage my own choices (because apparently no one can?). Help Help. Ahem. Please, spare me your fucking slogans, I'll spare you mine -- but since you asked so nicely, click here to view a glimpse of the future in awareness and I know some of your feeble brains will misinterpret the ideas shown therein, but surely there are sexist-advertisement help groups out there somewhere -- with free coffee and *gasp brochures! All in good fun.