13 March 2007

h/e 156 march

Suite, disons.../ 10.2 / It's uncommon, rarely spoken aloud and I get a thrill out of it -- refering to some of the objectionable content below (depending on your point of view) which does appear as sacred cows from time to time -- not for shock value, that requires much less of a thought process mais surtout parceque ça m'entour. Provenant d'une personne proche, c'est différent (et j'apprécie). Donc justement, la valeur des commentaires externes et bla bla bla. I have other concerns. Certains préjugés/générisalisations etc. j'aime supporter l'opinion minoritaire (lorsque ça s'applique) / support the underdog / For instance, you're single = you're miserable... that's kinda funny especially seeing as how I've met plenty of miserable couples. Save yourself. Mais dans certains contextes, hors de mon safe zone, à l'extérieur de tout ce qui compte vraiment -- c'est plaisant voir une face devenir éblouie quand une simple réflexion empêcherait n'importequel décomfort. Rapid auto-defense response from the ill-yet-pleasant mind of the "author". I just can't believe I've used the word "panoplie". The point (very thin one here) is that this is a nice tool for one to type words with that most do think (but not necessarily believe) and would never dare divulge. And I've never been one of those in person nor will I be on a weblog. That just makes it all the more interesting, no? Well alright, you have the right to remain uncompelling. See you outside.